Welcome back to round six of Leveraging Automation for Business. We’ve covered a lot of content already in this series, if you missed any of the previous posts here are the links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5. If you’re ready for Part 6 continue reading.

What are the different aspects you can look for when trying to get a system going for your restaurant?


[accordion_block title=”Know what you are selling“]Have each item on your menu fully costed so you know the profitability of each one. To do this, get a quoting management system and a stock management system that talk to each other. Every price change in your supplies will update/reflect in your menu costs making it easier for you to obtain reports later on.[/accordion_block]

[accordion_block title=”Manage your assets“]Get your equipment and tools serviced and maintained regularly, keeping them readily available for your staff. If you can get an equipment management system and a stock management system that are integrated, that would be ideal for final reporting and analysis.[/accordion_block]

[accordion_block title=”Get the right orders through an ordering system“]This is where accuracy is important to your business, particularly for a positive customer experience. This will need to be integrated to at least three other systems; Stock, Job and Payments as Orders is the initiator for them.[/accordion_block]

[accordion_block title=”Help your kitchen manage the orders“]Everyone knows the dreaded feeling of deadlines, and more so for chefs! Unhappy customers are not good for business!  A job management system should be easy enough for kitchen staff to read, along with the simplicity to update statuses of orders for wait staff.[/accordion_block]

[accordion_block title=”Easy payments“]process by charging the customer with only items that they have consumed. When your payments system is integrated into the workflow of your whole operations, you get to see the whole picture behind the invoice.[/accordion_block]

