During our recent Fortix board meeting we discussed our Fortix offering. It was a very interesting discussion where one of our board members suggested the following food analogy.

Imagine that you, as a business owner would like to reward your team by taking them out for lunch. Where would you take them? You’re faced with a myriad of options which leaves you in a quandary.

I’m not going to list the options, rather note that your people have different tastes and are likely from numerous cultural backgrounds.

The problems you are facing:

  • Everyone has different tastes and expectations
  • They eat different portion sizes
  • Some people may talk more and therefor eat slower
  • Some have dietary or allergy restrictions
  • Some would like entree and a main meal

In addition:

  • They will go where you take them
  • Everyone would like to enjoy their meal and be satisfied

As you can see it is not easy to please everyone at the same time.

You probably see where I’m heading with this. I’m describing a business where all employees have their own needs and wants. Also needing the right tools to get the work completed.

If you take them to a food court everyone will pick something, likely from different stores. There may be plenty of choice but the quality of the food will vary. The experience will suffer too as food courts are not designed for group gatherings.

In the software world I would compare this to Apps. There is plenty of free or low cost software Apps that people pick for their business. And it may work for them on an individual level, but rarely will it work for the organisation as a whole.

I’ve helped many companies who had their critical business information spread across many Apps struggling to get the right flow for their business.

What are the alternatives?

The alternative in this illustration is to eat Buffet style. I have not met anyone that would complain if you took them to a decent all-you-can-eat restaurant. Why? Obviously the food is pre-prepared which means you don’t pay for one menu item, rather the access to everything. There is a lot of variety and you can eat as much as you like. Everyone’s happy. To add to your experience these types of establishments are well equipped for groups with large tables and provide a positive atmosphere.

Can you see the difference between the food court (Apps) and buffet (Fortix)? Here at Fortix we are dedicated to create the best buffet for all growing SME’s. Our Fortix Enterprise offering will help keep your business heart healthy and your employees with the tools they need. The Fortix buffet is prepared, come join us and take a seat.

[Tweet “If you are seeking the best business software empowering growing businesses you have just found it.”] Call us on 1300 426 311. We gladly invite you to taste and experience growth.

You don’t need a silver fork to eat good food.
Paul Prudhomme